El condor pasa tabs

This is a preview of the 12 holes black and white ocarina tablature for the song El condor pasa, originally written by J M Munoz and G Foucaud..

El condor pasa black and white tabs
You can play this song either on a 10 or 12 holes ocarina because it doesn't require subholes. If you want the sheet music of this song or you want a different tablature to be done (for example on a Noble ocarina) you can send an e-mail using the Contacts and Portfolio section of this website or writing a comment below.

A HQ version of the previewed El condor pasa BW tablature can be bought using the link provided by the button below:

Excluding 3.8% tax

If you don't know what "subholes" are you can learn it visiting the Learn ocarina - subholes article of the ocarina tutorial at this link.

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Make ocarine since 2010. Play the ocarina and record videos since 2011. Do exhibitions since 2012 ... And teach you since 2013, no I'm kidding. Do you want to take a step forward tabs? Learn today how to read sheet music ! http://mickji.altervista.org/learn-sheet-music-guide-list/

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