Learn sheet music – Naturals game

Below you will find some simple games which will challenge you to find the correct answer and learn in this way music with fun.

In the quiz game there is only one correct answer. You will have to choose only the answer that you think is correct.
There are no tricks which aim to put you choosing the wrong answer. So you yet know that you will have the correct answer in the middle of the choises offered under the image.

In this page you will find all the games that help you learn the natural notes.
There are 7 musical notes and their alphabetical names  (A B C D E F G) or else their syllabic names (Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si).
They are divided per ocarina kind, in this way you can focus better on the range of musical note. Else if you yet know musical notes a bit, you can practice the musical note of the range wider than your ocarina. In this way you will refresh your knowledge and learn new musical notes too. If you want to practice all the musical notes that can be played with any ocarina, I suggest you to choose the All games link in this page.

Below you have a quiz style game with an image and 4 options. You have to find its correct name between the answers. If your answer will be wrong you will not get points. Within the answers there is always the right one, so choose carefully before answering.
Once you will finish the quiz, you will receive an e-mail with your result.
Let's try it and check how many musical notes you know!

Natural notes from 4 to 12 holes ocarina quiz

In this game you will not find accidentals; only natural notes (without any sharp or flat marks) and their name using the alphabetical notation.
The range of the musical notes cover all the musical notes that can be played with a 12 holes ocarina and ocarine with less finger holes.

Click here to start the alphabetical notation quiz.

Click here to start the syllabic notation quiz.

Click here to start the numerical notation quiz.

Natural notes for double ocarina quiz

In this game you will find all the natural notes that can be played on a double ocarina. They are more than the notes that you can play on a 12 holes ocarina, so you will take more time to finish this quiz.

Click here to start the alphabetical notation quiz.

Click here to start the syllabic notation quiz.

Click here to start the numerical notation quiz.

Natural notes for triple ocarina quiz

In this game you will find all the natural notes that can be played on the majority of the tripla ocarina that you find on the market.
The triple ocarina can play up to 21 full notes, which means that you will have more questions that require an answer than the questions that you find in the doueble and single chamber ocarina game. You will need more time, so plan it wisely.

Click here to start the alphabetical notation quiz.

Click here to start the syllabic notation quiz.

Click here to start the numerical notation quiz.

Natural notes for quadruple ocarina quiz

The quadruple is so far the biggest ocarina on the market, which it makes the ocarina with the wider range possible for a ceramic musical instrument.
This game requires way more time than the others

Click here to start the alphabetical quiz.

Click here to start the syllabic notation quiz.

Click here to start the numerical notation quiz.

All musical notes quiz

This quiz contains all the musical notes that can be played on any ocarina, from the Bass to the Sopranino ocarina.
There will be many musical notes and they are divide with a different clef. So pay attenction to the clef, before focusing your attenction on the musical note itself.

Click here to start the quiz.

Quizzes are not designed to make you choose only a group of notes. You will have to answer to any musical note that the specific ocarina can play. If the ocarina range is 21 musical notes, the game will ask you 21 questions and it will not be finished until you have answered to them all.

Another game type will be made in card style. You have to click on an image and find its correct name by clicking on the cards on the table. If your answer will be wrong, they will both be hidden again.

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Make ocarine since 2010. Play the ocarina and record videos since 2011. Do exhibitions since 2012 ... And teach you since 2013, no I'm kidding. Do you want to take a step forward tabs? Learn today how to read sheet music ! http://mickji.altervista.org/learn-sheet-music-guide-list/

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