Learn sheet music – Sharps and flats

As you have may noticed, music is not composed only by natural notes but there are some notes in between.
These musical notes are called "alterations" or "accidentals" and can be sharp and flat notes.

The sheet music for flat notes on a 12 holes ocarina will become like this. Under the sheet music is draw a general way to play those notes (it may vary depending on each ocarina maker)

That sign like a little b means "bemolle" or flat note. If a musical note is bemolle it means that it must be played a half tone lower than the original natural note.
So a B bemolle will be lower by a half than a natural B note.

The sheet music for sharp notes will become like this:


If a musical note is sharp means that it will be a half tone higer then the note written in the sheet music
So an A# will sounds a half tone higher than a natural A note.

What if a musical note is not sharp nor flat? ... it is called a natural note.
When a musical note comes back to be a natural note you'll find this squarish singdiesis2 in front of the musical note.
This is called bequadro and makes all the musical note in the staff "natural notes" so you'll play full tones again.

If you had a G sharp, the G with the natual sign will not be played as G# but as G.

Now try looking at the fingering ...have you noticed anything?
Let's take a closer look at these sharps and flats fingering a bit more closely.
You can also use the Learn sheet music – guide list to travel to through the whole tutorial.

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Make ocarine since 2010. Play the ocarina and record videos since 2011. Do exhibitions since 2012 ... And teach you since 2013, no I'm kidding. Do you want to take a step forward tabs? Learn today how to read sheet music ! http://mickji.altervista.org/learn-sheet-music-guide-list/

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