Game – Learn sheet music single natural

This is the game for the single chambered ocarina. This game will teach you all the natural musical note names that can be played on an ocarina with 4  up to 12 holes.

Alphabetical notation game

Insert your Nickname and e-mail below then click the Next button to start your Naturals-4-12-holes quiz.

Your Nickname Your e-mail

Congratulations ! You reach the end of the quiz.Naturals-4-12-holes on 2024, April 28! Now you should check your e-mail to see if you made any error or reload the page to take the quiz again.

Please insert your username and e-mail then click the Next button to start the quiz.
The e-mail is required in order to send you the result of your quiz.

You should see an image on top with 4 answers at the bottom. Once you have choosen the answer you have to click Next to see another question. If you want to change your answer, you can click Previous and change it. Once you reach the end of the quiz click Submit.
Once the quiz is finished and you want to do it again, please reload the page and have fun.
The range of the musical note goes fromshett music range for the alphabetical notation game from A until F which is A until F using the alphabetical notation. Don't worry if you don't know how to name these musical notes yet, because with this game you'll be able to name them in 10 minutes.

Are you tired of the alphabetical notes game? Let's have some fun and try the syllabic sheet music game for the single chambered ocarina. With it you'll learn a different kind of notation for the musical notes, so you'll be able to name them in two different ways.
If you are familiar with all these musical notes using the alphabetical notation, you can take a step forward and try the Second chamber sheet music Game.
In it you will have more musical notes to play with.
Or else you can come back at the list of games to choose a different one.
If you want to go back at the sheet music tutorial you can use the Learn sheet music - guide list for this purpose.

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Make ocarine since 2010. Play the ocarina and record videos since 2011. Do exhibitions since 2012 ... And teach you since 2013, no I'm kidding. Do you want to take a step forward tabs? Learn today how to read sheet music !

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2 Responses

  1. mickji says:

    There is still a problem with the game. It does not send the result via email. Be a little more patient please. I apologize for the inconvenient f^^’.

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