Learn sheet music – Ocarina range

Learn to read sheet music with your ocarina might seem like an impossible thing for new players. So they tend to stick at tablatures, without moving away and without even trying to play the scale on their musical instrument.
This article aims to teach you step by step simple things about music and music theory that can be applied at your ocarina easily.
In this way you will learn to read sheet music gradually and soon you will be able to read the song that you always wanted to learn but nobody has created the tablatures for you yet.

By learning to read sheet music yourself, you can be free and no need to depend on others because if you need something you will be able to read it and understand it (and you will avoid using tablatures).

Let's start with dividing the range of music related with the ocarina you own, hopefully you have started with a
C (Do) ocarina otherwise we should go into an intricate discussion about key signatures, keys, transpositions etc. and this is not really the case since we are only at the beginning...

How many different ocarine do you know? There are many shapes and amount of holes, let's start by counting the holes on your ocarina to look at the sheet music scale of it.

4 holes pendant ocarina and 7 holes ocarina sheet music range

The 4 holes pendant ocarina has 4 holes in the frontal part of the body.
The 7 holes ocarina has 4 holes on a side of the frontal part of the body and 3 on the opposite side.
sheet music scale 7 holes ocarina

5 holes pendant ocarina sheet music range

It has 4 holes in the frontal part of the body and 1 hole behind.
sheet music scale 8

6 holes pendant ocarina and 9 holes ocarina sheet music range

The 6 holes pendant ocarina has 4 holes in the frontal part of the body and 2 holes behind.
The 9 holes ocarina has 8 holes in the frontal part of the body and 1 hole behind.
sheet music scale 9

8 holes ocarina sheet music range

It has 6 holes in the frontal part of the body and 2 holes behind.
sheet music scale 8

10 holes ocarina sheet music range

It has 8 holes in the frontal part of the body and 2 holes behind.
sheet music scale 10 holes ocarina

12 holes ocarina sheet music range

It has 8 holes in the frontal part of the body plus 2 tiny holes between the 2 rows of holes and 2 holes behind.
sheet music scale 12 holes ocarina

Double ocarina sheet music range

(else called: doublet - doppietta - two chambers - two tubes - double chambered)
It has a total of 12 holes in the frontal part of the body plus 2 tiny holes and 2 holes behind.
Else it has 13 holes in the frontal part of the body plus 2 tiny holes and 1 hole behind.
Basically, it has two holes at the mouthpiece to let you blow in the two chambers.
sheet music scale 12 holes ocarina
sheet music scale double ocarina

Triple ocarina sheet music range

(else called: triplette - three chambers - three chambered - three tubes)
It has 16 holes in the frontal part of the body plus 2 tiny holes and 2 holes behind.
Else it has 17 holes in the frontal part of the body plus 2 tiny holes and 1 hole behind.
Basically, it has 3 holes at the mouthpiece to let you blow in the three chambers.
sheet music scale 12 holes ocarina
sheet music scale triple ocarina

Quadruple ocarina sheet music range

(else called: quadri - quadruplet - four chambered - four tubes)

It is the thing with the greatest amount of holes that you have even seen in your life.... Believe me.
Basically, it is a gorgeous musical instrument with four holes at the mouthpiece as it has 4 chambers to blow into.
sheet music scale 12 holes ocarina

As you have may noticed, a pendant 4 holes ocarina plays the same amount of musical notes of a 7 holes ocarina.
Also a 6 holes pendant ocarina plays the same amount of notes of a 9 holes ocarina.

This depends from the fingering, a pendant ocarina use a cross finger combination to achieve more musical notes.
In the next article you will see some general fingerings for those ocarine (the fingering may vary due to the different makers' choices).
Else you can continue to read about sheet music by going to the Natural notes article to learn the names of all the natural musical notes.
If you yet know the names of the musical notes then you can take a step forward and go at the Flat and Sharps sheet music tutorial article.
If you already know both of them it's better for you to use the Learn sheet music – Guide list to travel through the whole tutorial and chose what you want to learn next.
If you don't feel prepared to learn sheet music yet, you can have a look at the Learn ocarina – Guide list and start learning from the very basic things.

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Make ocarine since 2010. Play the ocarina and record videos since 2011. Do exhibitions since 2012 ... And teach you since 2013, no I'm kidding. Do you want to take a step forward tabs? Learn today how to read sheet music ! http://mickji.altervista.org/learn-sheet-music-guide-list/

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